E-Commerce Solutions Weblog - Electronic Commerce: Arizona EC/EDI Roundtable

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Arizona EC/EDI Roundtable

Arizona EC/EDI Roundtable

The Arizona EC/EDI Roundtable was founded by David Darnell, President and Founder of Systrends, Inc., in 1992. It serves as an open educational forum for EC (Electronic Commerce), EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), and XML (eXtensible Markup Language) issues, standards, and developments. The Arizona EC/EDI Roundtable is formally recognized by the ANSI ASC X12 EDI standards committee as the official EC/EDI group for Arizona.

The AZ EC/EDI Roundtable is free and is open to all technical and business people interested in EC/EDI topics, knowledge-building, and networking. The Roundtable meets bimonthly at the Fiesta Inn Resort in Tempe, Arizona.

For information on the Arizona EC/EDI Roundtable and to be added to our meeting notice email distribution,
contact David Johnson at david.johnson @ systrends.com.

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