E-Commerce Solutions Weblog - Electronic Commerce: New Free Alcient eCommerce Guide Offers Unique Insight to Help Companies Avoid Common eCommerce Mistakes...

Sunday, December 19, 2004

New Free Alcient eCommerce Guide Offers Unique Insight to Help Companies Avoid Common eCommerce Mistakes...

New Free Alcient eCommerce Guide Offers Unique Insight to Help Companies Avoid Common eCommerce Mistakes...
Alcient eCommerce’s new guide to eCommerce is an essential resource that demystifies eCommerce for companies venturing into this rapidly expanding new area of business.

Indianapolis, IN (PRWEB) December 19, 2004 - Alcient, a world leader in professional eCommerce, is offering rare insight into the real-world drivers and technology behind successful eCommerce programs to companies of all sizes. Alcient’s free new guide to eCommerce, “The Alcient Guide to Selecting the Perfect eCommerce Solution (even if it’s not Alcient),” is now available at Alcient.com.

Internet eCommerce is continuing to grow at a phenomenal rate. By the year 2006, the current number of eCommerce presences will double and online spending will experience an estimated twenty-fold plus increase. As a sales channel hyped to be both efficient and virtual; eCommerce presents enormous potential, yet has proven a disappointment to an estimated 90% of retailers and manufacturers. Surprisingly, poor eCommerce performance can be attributed to an initial lack of knowledge about eCommerce itself.

Kevin Williams, noted business analyst and Director of Alcient eCommerce (Alcient.com), has gained critical acclaim for his innovative approaches and insight into meeting customer needs through professional eCommerce. “Two of the most common problems new clients who have experienced lackluster eCommerce performance encounter are conceptual and strategic confusion about eCommerce itself and the misapplication of eCommerce technology,” notes Williams. “It is amazing what companies do not understand about eCommerce. Contrary to what companies believe, eCommerce is quite unlike brick-and-mortar business models. Once companies understand the differences, they can develop eCommerce solutions and strategies capable of meeting the needs of their customers – and driving sales. In short, proper and accurate understandings of eCommerce and its technology represent the greatest contributors to the success or failure of any eCommerce venture.”

To deliver clarity about eCommerce and related solutions to companies, “The Alcient Guide to Selecting the Perfect eCommerce Solution (even if it’s not Alcient)” was created to demystify this critical undertaking. This free 40-page document is written in real-world language is available at Alcient.com. It is intended for business audiences of all sizes. The Alcient guide outlines foundational eCommerce principles and uses that knowledge to guide companies to a successful eCommerce mindset and subsequent selection of an appropriate eCommerce platform. The sage advice offered has not gone unnoticed. Since its release on December 10, 2004, Alcient’s new eCommerce guide has been downloaded over 250,000 times.

In addition to developing Alcient’s leading-edge eCommerce platform, Alcient provides professional eCommerce consulting to companies worldwide. Williams remarks, “If you are a company with a web presence, you are engaged in eCommerce. If you are not selling products, you are establishing an image the world sees. The greatest challenge facing companies today is developing clarity about what it is that they are selling and defining their eCommerce solution around that knowledge. In eCommerce’s infancy, companies tended to base eCommerce efforts on software-centric approaches that limited eCommerce to the software that drove it. Today’s professional eCommerce solutions, such as Alcient, have evolved into powerful customer-centric solutions that can be implemented based on customer needs. While the potential is exciting, successful eCommerce requires companies to understand more about the factors and considerations that will become the foundation of their eCommerce solution. The key is to know where to look.”

In addition to an extraordinary sales growth, Alcient is experiencing dramatic increases in its consulting practice as companies seek to leverage and refine their online presences as eCommerce becomes a more prominent component of today’s business models.

Williams notes, “Alcient’s eCommerce consulting has grown spectacularly over the past several years. Companies are seeking real-world advice and direction regarding their eCommerce programs. While the Internet is not short on eCommerce advice from countless pundits, it lacks considerably in practical advice that can be applied to individual companies. When it comes to defining eCommerce requirements, no two companies or solutions are the same. We have designed our new guide to help companies get a jump start with their successful eCommerce efforts.”

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